Evaluability Assessment

Evaluability Assessment


General Practice and Primary Care, University of Glasgow


The workshop aimed to introduce participants to the principles of Evaluability Assessment, provide an opportunity to undertake a mock Evaluability Assessment and also to consider how Evaluability Assessment might be used for evaluation planning in Primary Care.


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Download Peter Craig's Evaluability Assessment Presentation.

Quality after QOF

Quality after QOF


Royal Society of Edinburgh


The workshop aimed to review existing knowledge about 'GP Quality Clusters' and related approaches to quality improvement in Primary Care.

It also facilitated exchange of views on the future direction of quality in General Practice in Scotland. Attendees represented different organisations such as the Scottish Government, the BMA, RCGP and GPs at the Deep End and external speakers offered experience from further afeild, including Switzerland, Denmark and Wales.


The report states that the meeting was successful in surfacing many of the complex issues surrounding the future roles of Quality Clusters. View the full Quality after QOF report on our reports page.


Download powerpoints below

Gregor Smith's 'Primary Care in Scotland' Presentation

Martin Roland 'Improving Quality in Primary care' Presentation

Richard Lewis 'Early reflections on Clusters in Wales' Presentation

Adrian Rohrbasser's 'Quality Circles across Europe' Presentation

John Robson 'A Learning health system' Presentation